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Visual Design for UI Designer & Developers - Begin your Design Journey
Introductions and Setting the Right Mindset for Designers
What we will cover inside this course (1:27)
Can I learn to Design? (2:29)
Business Side of Design (3:09)
Don't depend on Design Tools (2:36)
Each Design serves a specific purpose (3:00)
Overcome Blank Canvas Fear (1:24)
Download Visual Design Course Notes (PDF)
Essentials a lot of Designer Miss these days
Never start Designing without Content (2:26)
Examples of Designing without Content (4:43)
Expose yourself to great designs (10:09)
How to Steal Ideas (7:17)
Work on Design Details Later on (8:10)
Simplicity wins over complexity in Design (4:56)
What is the Focal Point of every Design? (10:05)
Design Basics for Web & UI Designers
Lines, shapes and Curves (9:47)
Using Colors and Design Themes (5:34)
Examples of Colors and Themes (8:46)
Using Typefaces for Beginners (7:06)
Examples of Typeface usage (4:06)
Using White Space in Web UI Design (11:08)
BLOCK Design Technique (5:36)
How to generate Creative Ideas (7:06)
Example of Creative Idea Generation (6:14)
Setting Tone of your Design (7:13)
Scale of Importance in Design (11:01)
5 Pillars of Designs
Proximity in Design (4:39)
Examples of Proximity (5:34)
Using Alignment in Design (4:24)
Examples of Alignment (6:18)
Contrast in Design (3:32)
Examples of Contrast (12:44)
Reptition in Design (6:04)
Examples of Repitition (9:51)
Balance in Design (19:16)
Class Project ► Business Card Design
Designing using Grey Scale First - Business Card Project (12:36)
Finalizing Business Card Design Project (14:55)
Assignment 1 ► What question to ask to get User needs and Business Goals (1:09)
Assignment 2 ► Design your company Business Card (1:36)
Download PSD Business Card Source File
Advanced Visual Design Techniques - Pro Tips for UI Web Designers
The Framing Effect in Design (10:37)
All about using Grids in Design (14:57)
Using Grids in Mobile App Design (9:54)
Using Images and Illustrations in Design (10:14)
Subtle Contrast and Differences makes your Design Great (11:04)
Examples of Repitition
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