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Design for Android using Google Material Design & Photoshop
How DPs, Pixels and Resolution works with Photoshop
What is scree resolution and density (7:20)
Relation of DP and PX (4:14)
DP and pixels online tools (4:11)
Android Density Buckets (5:00)
Online tools for Screen Resolution, Screen Size and Density (2:09)
What are SP type sizes in Android Material Design (4:46)
How DP works in Photoshop (13:22)
First Assignment ► Material Design with Photoshop (5:09)
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Material Design Specificatiosn and Guidelines
S02L01_Ui_Regions_Of_Android_Material-1 (10:05)
S02L02_How_Material_Design_Works-1 (3:15)
S02L03_Material_Shadows-1 (9:39)
S02L04_8_Point_Grid_In_Photoshop-1 (6:35)
S02L05_Matrices_And_Vertical_Spacings-1 (7:18)
S02L06_Buttons_And_Icons-1 (7:13)
S02L07_Material_Tabs-1 (8:38)
S02L08_Aapbar_Size-1 (3:25)
S02L09_Lists_In_Matreial_Design-1 (5:11)
S02L10_Bottom_Nav_Bar-1 (8:09)
S02L11_Side_Nav_In_Material_Design-1 (2:05)
S02L12_Type_Sizes_Scales_For_Photoshop-1 (9:16)
Understanding Material Colors System
S03L01_Master_Color_Scheme_In_Material_2.0-1 (8:13)
S03L02_Online_Google_Material_Color_Tools-2 (6:45)
Design Android App with Adobe Photoshop
Downloading UI Assets for Android Material Design in Photoshop (3:13)
XXhdpi template for Photoshop (9:43)
Signup Screen Part 1 (7:36)
Signup Screen Part 2 (12:35)
Signup Screen Design Part 3 (10:32)
Login Screen for Medical App using Google Material Design (10:18)
Dashboard Tabbar design (10:28)
Designing Dashboard Top (8:38)
Information Card Design using Material Design (10:45)
Designing Dashboard Card Bottom section (4:03)
Activites Screen Design (13:01)
Sync Files Screen Design (8:24)
Sidenav Drawer Design (11:29)
Final Assignment ► Design a full Android App using Photohsop (3:10)
What's New in Material 2.0
Whats new in Material Design 2.0 (10:55)
New options to design for (3:40)
Spacing Grid in Material 2.0 (2:38)
Button types and their states (3:14)
List items in Material 2.0 (3:25)
Bottom and Top Bar (4:45)
Material Card 2.0 and its Interactions (5:27)
Typescale of Google Material 2.0 (3:35)
Material Tabs 2.0 (2:35)
Exporting Assets and Developer Collaboration
Using Zepling to export for Android (13:34)
What is 9-patch tool (5:55)
More details about 9-patch (9:04)
Using Export As from Photohsop (4:32)
List items in Material 2.0
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